Making a Drum Machine

Let's make a drum machine

Yesterday I decided to make a drum machine. Hopefully this component will become part of the site's 404 page. Let's get to building.


Yesterday we achieved some things. Defined some of the features, outlined some nice-to-haves, decided on an MVP. Finally we started testing out some audio api basics.

I've started my day today by revisiting the MDN guide to web audio api. I've had a realisation that I'm definitely going to need to work with it to avoid running into roadblocks down the line. They put it well:

The Web Audio API does not replace the <audio> media element, but rather complements it, just like <canvas> coexists alongside the <img> element.

So, that frames the Web Audio API as a much more powerful and flexible tool. That's exactly what we'll need to achieve what we're looking for.

If you want to carry out more complex audio processing, as well as playback, the Web Audio API provides much more power and control.

We'll be processing our input sources in two stages:

  • Individual track controls
  • Global track controls

If we can build a graph of Web Audio API nodes to manage the flow of those controls, then tweak the parameters via the UI we'll save a lot of headaches.

I've also come across a bunch of extremely helpful code examples from MDN.

After posting that link I spent a long time really scrutinising the examples and drawing inspiration from them. As a result I've put together what I think the node graph is going to look like for this. It's likely to change, no doubt, but this feels reasonable for now.

So, each input source will be trimmed using an AudioBuffer. The buffered audio will be connected to a stack of nodes (GainNode for volume + mute, StereoPannerNode, DynamicsCompressorNode perhaps DelayNode, etc). Each track will then be connected together via a Channel Merger. The merged audio will then pass through a GainNode node for master volume + mute settings, then finally piped out to the AudioDestinationNode.

In all, it should end up being fairly simple (?) and there's room for flexibility given the modular nature of the Web Audio API.

Okay, once again I've spent too much time researching and planning. It's time to actually make something. Let's start with the layout!


OK, we have a very basic layout. It looks like a sequencer. It's a little bit janky for mobile, but it's a starting point!

Once again, I'm out of time. Took some time away from this to prep for some other work I need to do. Perhaps tomorrow I'll come back to this and start wiring some things up.