Coding a Weird Clock

One of my old favourite passtimes

I used to make flash animations. Back then I used my limited knowledge to make some weird clocks. Later I learned about JS and Canvas, and made more weird clocks. Now I am older, and in my spare time sometimes I make weird clocks. Go figure.

HERE IT IS. It's pretty cool!

The objective

  • Minimal JS required to get the time into CSS variables
  • Use custom properties to make the css variables transition
  • Use stacked background-images to create a clockface on a single element
  • Use a mask to refine the shape

I threw the thing together a few days ago in Svelte through the svelte playground.


This site uses vue3. So the clock above actually had to be ported over. This new version runs using requestAnimationFrame rather than timeouts. So that's fun.

It wasn't the most straightforward thing, but that's just because I've had my head out of vue for a while...

I learnt one cool thing. You can have both <style> and <style scoped> if you need to be able to create global styles too. In this case for the @property declaration.

For completeness, here's the full code of the component above:

<script setup>
let time = ref({ h:0, m:0, s:0, pm: false });
let start = ref(new Date);

let frame;
let lastTime = 0;
const frameStep = () => {
    frame = requestAnimationFrame(frameStep);

    const now = new Date();
    if(now - lastTime < 1000) {

    lastTime = now;

    const diffS = ((now - start) / 1000);
    const diffM = diffS / 60;
    const diffH = diffM / 60;

    const pm = now.getHours() >= 12;
    const h = start.getHours() / 12 + (diffH / 12);
    const m = start.getMinutes() / 60 + (diffM / 60);
    const s = (start.getSeconds() / 60) + (diffS / 60);

    time.value = { h, m, s, pm };

onMounted(() => {
    start = new Date();

onBeforeUnmount(() => {

            '--h': time.h,
            '--m': time.m,
            '--s': time.s,
            '--pm': ? -90 : 0,

@property --_h {
    syntax: "<angle>";
    inherits: false;
    initial-value: 0deg;
@property --_m {
    syntax: "<angle>";
    inherits: false;
    initial-value: 0deg;
@property --_s {
    syntax: "<angle>";
    inherits: false;
    initial-value: 0deg;

<style scoped>
.gradient-clock {
    --_h: calc(var(--h) * 1turn);
    --_m: calc(var(--m) * 1turn);
    --_s: calc(var(--s) * 1turn);
    --h-col: oklch(0.511 0.262 calc(var(--pm) + 276.966) / .5);
    --m-col: oklch(0.541 0.281 calc(var(--pm) + 293.009) / .7);
    --s-col: oklch(0.558 0.288 calc(var(--pm) + 302.321) / .9);
        conic-gradient(from var(--_h), transparent 0%, var(--h-col) 99.9%, transparent),
        conic-gradient(from var(--_m), transparent 0%, var(--m-col) 99.9%, transparent),
        conic-gradient(from var(--_s), transparent 0%, var(--s-col) 99.9%, transparent),
        radial-gradient(closest-side, transparent 50%, light-dark(white, black) 50.5%, light-dark(black, white));
    mask-image: radial-gradient(closest-side, transparent 50%, black 50.5%, black 99.5%, transparent);

        --_h 1s ease-in-out,
        --_m 1s ease-in-out,
        --_s 500ms ease-in;

    margin-inline: auto;
    width: 100%;
    aspect-ratio: 1;
