
Welcome to my TEDTalk...

What Even Is A Professional

Now... Being a professional doesn't always mean working in your field for a long time.

Unless you're a farmer! Haha~

*the crowd chuckles politely*

Hehe... No.

Though experience helps, being a professional is about holding yourself to a standard.

You might be making a product for a client, but you're also making it for every single user that might interact with that product.

You're making something that will pass through the hands of your colleagues, contractors, your future self...

*several people in the crowd feel called out, chuckling nervously*

You even have to have an awareness of the laws affecting your product.

*several people in the crowd grow silent, even more nervously*

Being a professional is about understanding that you have the power to make something good if you present your skills well.

You take responsibility for scoping, fulfil requirements, and fight for quality within any known limitations.

You do your best to plan ahead, you execute, you evaluate, refactor, maintain, and you remain open to criticism and growth throughout.

Some people consider professionalism as an aesthetic.

Simon W

Web Developer


A suit and tie, clean cut business cards.

Hopefully that's been less important to you since 2022.

*a tiny tear falls from a micromanager's eye in the audience*

Granted, I look good in a suit.

*the crowd chuckles agreeably, one person whoops then coughs sheepishly*

Thanks... But if you take one thing away today, it's that professionalism is approaching your craft with integrity and following through.

Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk.

*clapping, whooping, a standing ovation*

*the audience particularly liked the parts where he became a dog*